At Work
Yvonne Collier helps people get along with each other better.
Whether your team is large or small, your members, managers and leaders benefit as well as yourself, clients / customers.
Yvonne works with teams and individuals to help produce cooperation, greater unity and clear communication for greater profit and productivity. Unhelpful behaviours, silos and any form of conflict (hiden or otherwise) are transformed into improved communication, better team spirit and enthusiasm that grows where there is psychological safety in the work place.
Yvonne’s is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), Certified Virtual Presenter (CVP), an Internationally experienced trainer, speaker, facilitator, coach, mentor and author. She can help you with ‘People skills’… especially interpersonal skills, assertive skills, negotiation, influence and persuasion.
“An independent Certification committee reviewed her on presentation skills, techniques in a virtual environment, audience engagement skills, and technical awareness.
Finally, we have verified that she was paid to present virtually, this shows that she is valuable to the market place.” Verified, qualified and certified!
Yvonne’s on a Mission
If everybody could speak up (but not too much) balanced with empathy (again not too much - it’s a balance) under an umbrella of respect, then we would create a peaceful, productive profitable world.
Yvonne delivers practical and specific assertive skills for in-house teams, individuals and runs specific public courses and workshops for situations that need cooperation and co-creativity for personal and business success.
The popular Public course 'Getting What You Want: Assertive skills and more, runs since 1997 with Sydney University Centre for Continuing Education.
Clients have engaged Yvonne as a Speaker, Trainer, Facilitator or Coach at over 2000 of their events in over 8 countries...

Fabulous fun facilitating learning

Train The Trainer = promotion next!

Love every minute of “Train The Trainer/s”
"The program is a raging success … With experiential learning and fun breakouts,the benefits are clearly visible in improved communication, team spirit and enthusiasm.
We recommend Yvonne for relevant, effective and fun training."